Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Unfortunately I missed the summary for the first part of this C4K, therefore I will move on to the other students.

The student's blog that I will summarize is named Sterling. In his post What Would You do if You Were Locked Inside Your Favorite Department Store Overnight?, Sterling described how his night would go if was locked inside Target. He said that at first he woud be scared, but he would eventually get over it. AFter that he said that he would find an Xbox and hook it up the the security room. He said that he would have his pick of chairs, and stock up his security room with all the food he wanted from the grocery area. I agreed with him saying that Target was a great store, and that his love of Xbox reminded me of my brothers.

In C4K #3 I was assigned to Ryan. His most recent post was a very random story. The Randomness Story was a conglomeration of random sentences such as, "Turkeys are supior beings..." I am assuming this was an assignment because he gave ample warning that the story would make absolutly no sense. He also asked if we wanted to see more of this randomness, to tell him so in our comments.

In C4K #4, I was assigned to Michelle 0910's blog. In her essay, This I Believe, she described regret. SHe said that people with regrets fall into two categories: risk takers and over thinkers. She believes that both of these groups of people should not feel regret for what they have or have not done, rather they should learn from their experiences and move on. She wrote that she herself has made mistakes throughout her life, but she feels no regret and chooses to leave the past in the past. She says that mistakes are unavoidable, but the regret that we feel about them is not. We just have to choose to let them go. I especially agree with her because I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and regret and obsession go hand in hand. In my comment to her blog, I told her that we have to choose to let our regret go.

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