From the first link, The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom , I found it interesting that the author said that teachers need to realize that they do not know everything. The author also said that when you, as a teacher, ask if there are any questions and no one responds, it does not necessarly mean that no one has questions. Many students are afraid to speak up or simply do not realize that they are confused on a topic. I found both of these statements about questions necessary in answering the question from above. In order for someone to become and effective teacher, they must first understand that they do not know everything. Second of all, they must grasp that even when a student does not ask a question, it may not mean that he or she understands the material.
From the article, Asking Questions to Improve Learning , what I learned first is that asking questions is a form of active learning that can help students learn material. This article stated several different do's and don't of asking questions to students. Some of my personal favorites were: Avoid asking a leading question., and Follow a yes or no question with an additional question. A leading question is a question that already suggests its answer. Using these tips is forcing students to think more. This site shows teachers that questions are not merely something to be answered. Questions are something that can evoke thought, as well as challened thinking in students. As a result the student will absorb more of the material.
The main idea that I got from the video, Asking Better Questions in the Classroom , is that as a teacher, I should stear away from closed ended questions. A closed ended question is one that can be answered by a simple yes or no answer. This type of question is not very thought provoking and does not challenge students in any way. Instead I, as a teacher, should ask open ended questions that give the students a chance to think in a more challenging way.
There are many things that a teacher should know about questions in order to be an effective teacher. I believe that many of these cannot be learned over the internet and must be learned for one's self in a classroom setting, but some of these things I have learned today over the internet. In short, to be an effective teacher, a teacher needs to realize that they do not know everything. They also need to know that students will not always voice their questions. An effective teacher must also avoid asking leading questions, and ask more than yes or no questions. An effective teacher should ask questions to their students that will engage them in thought and force them to think critically.
Thoughtful. Well written. Interesting. Thanks.